Recipes I love😋

Recipes I love😋

Published July 27, 2022
What a wonderful thing to save some recipes which I have tried with comments and mark where I bought those in gredients. So, I can always replicate those delicious dishes whenever wherever I want!
I have grouped here those favourites one here while listed in detail procedure separately
菠蘿包 Pineapple Bun
One of the favourite food in afternoon tea in Hong Kong restaurants and I have spent a few days trying to learn from the bread & cake master in 鴻運茶餐廳.
This is the one I made by myself following the procedure set in below video link with hand kneaded dough 手搓麵團& Tongzhong湯種。I learned from my friend that I can use the same dough and make different breads like 雞尾包 ,椰絲奶油包。Although I think it’s not so bouncy ,tasty and soft as the one I usually enjoy in HK which I think the ingredients are a bit different as lard and 臭粉. It’s crispy and soft as what I find in UK.
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Another one I tried & leant in my friend’s home is 蛋撻,椰撻& 芝士撻!same cookie tart base with different fillings
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Another simple but easy to replicate is 腸粉,key is to have the right sauce :soya 豉油,甜醬,芝麻醬and some white sesames
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Follow the procedure in this video for 燒賣 & find it very tasty😋
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My friend says this is 星巴克爆頭蛋糕 😋
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How can we not trying the bubble waffle?
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Fun & tasty to make dumplings together with my daughter in laTried the
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More experiments with my daughter in law